Home Học tiếng Anh Bài tập thì tương lai đơn và tương lai gần Tiếng Anh có đáp án

Bài tập thì tương lai đơn và tương lai gần Tiếng Anh có đáp án

Bài tập thì tương lai đơn và tương lai gần Tiếng Anh có đáp án

Bạn đang học tiếng Anh và gặp khó khăn trong việc phân biệt giữa thì tương lai đơn và tương lai gần? Thật ra nếu tìm hiểu kỹ và luyện tập thường xuyên thì bạn sẽ dễ dàng nhận biết và phân biệt được chúng. Hãy để các bài tập thì tương lai đơn và tương lai gần dưới đây hỗ trợ bạn củng cố kiến thức của 2 điểm ngữ pháp này nhé.

1. Lý thuyết thì tương lai đơn và tương lai gần

1.1 Tương lai đơn

Công thức:

To be:

  • Câu khẳng định: S + will + be + C (She will be an auditor next year)
  • Câu phủ định: S + won’t + be + C (They won’t be here on time.)
  • Câu nghi vấn: Will + S + be + C? (Will she be more beautiful after the cosmetic surgery?)

Động từ thường:

  • Câu khẳng định: S + will + V (I will help her to do her housework)
  • Câu phủ định: S + won’t + V (Ann won’t pass the exam)
  • Câu nghi vấn: Will + S + V? (Will he come?)

Cách sử dụng:

  • Tương lai đơn diễn tả một hành động sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai nhưng được quyết định ngay tại thời điểm nói (on-the-spot decision)

Ví dụ: Ok, I will do this…

  • Một hành động trong tương lai có tính quy luật

Ví dụ: I will be 28 next month

Signal words: I think, I don’t think, I am afraid, I am sure that, next time, in + time (in 2 years…), from now on…

Lý thuyết tương lai đơn
Lý thuyết tương lai đơn

1.2 Tương lai gần be going to

Công thức

To be: S + be + going to be + C (Linh is going to be a mother)

Động từ thường:

  • Câu khẳng định: S + be + going to V + O (Minh is going to work in America)
  • Câu phủ định: S + be + not + going to V + O (Lan is not going to work for Korean companies)
  • Câu nghi vấn: Be + S + going to V + O? (Are you going to stay with her?)

Cách sử dụng

  • Diễn đạt một hành động sẽ tiến hành trong tương lai nhưng đã có kế hoạch từ trước

Ex: I am having my birthday party next week

  • Diễn đạt một điều sắp xảy ra dựa vào bằng chứng hiện tại (evidence)

Ex: Look at the clouds. It’s going to rain.

Lý thuyết thì tương lai gần
Lý thuyết thì tương lai gần

2. Bài tập thì tương lai đơn và tương lai gần có đáp án

Bài tập 1: Chọn đáp án đúng

1. I completely forget about this. Give me a moment, I…do it now.

a. will
b. am going
c. is going to

2. Tonight, I.. stay home. I’ve rented a video

a. am going to
b. will
c. a and b

3. I feel dreadful. I….. sick

a. am going to be
b. will be
c. a và b

4. If you have any problem, don’t worry. I………help you

a. will
b. am going to
c. a và b

5. Where are you going?

a. I am going to see a friend
b. I’ll see a friend
c. I went to a friend

6. That’s the phone./ I….answer it

a. will
b. am going to
c. a và b

7. Look at those clouds. It….rain now

a. will
b. is going to
c. a và b

8. Tea or coffee?

a. I am going to have tea, please
b. I’ll have tea, please
c. I want to drink

9. Thanks for your offer. But I am OK. Shane………help me

a. is going to
b. will
c. a và b

10. The weather forecast says it…….rain tomorrow

a. is going to
b. will
c. a và b

Bài tập 2: Hoàn thành các câu sau

1. A: “There’s someone at the door.”
B: “I ___ (get) it.”

2. Joan thinks the Conservatives ___ (win) the next election.

3. A: “I’m moving house tomorrow.”
B: “I ___ (come) and help you.”

4. If she passes the exam, she ___ (be) very happy.

5. I ___(be) there at four o’clock, I promise.

6. A: “I’m cold.” B: “I _____ (turn) on the fire.”

7. A: “She’s late.” B: “Don’t worry she ___ (come).”

8. The meeting ___ (take) place at 6 p.m.

9. If you eat all of that cake, you __ (feel) sick.

10. They ___ (be) at home at 10 o’clock.

11. I’m afraid I ___ (not / be) able to come tomorrow.

12. Because of the train strike, the meeting ___ (not / take) place at 9 o’clock.

13. A: “Go and tidy your room.” B: “I __ (not / do) it!”

14. If it rains, we ____ (not / go) to the beach.

15. In my opinion, she ____ (not / pass) the exam.

16. A: “I’m driving to the party, would you like a lift?” B: “Okay, I ___ (not / take) the bus, I’ll come with you.”

17. He ____ (not / buy) the car, if he can’t afford it.

18. I’ve tried everything, but he ___ (not / eat).

19. According to the weather forecast, it ___ (not / snow) tomorrow.

20. A: “I’m really hungry.” B: “In that case we ___(not / wait) for John.”

21. ___ (they / come) tomorrow?

22. When ___ (you / get) back?

23. If you lose your job, what ___(you / do)?

24. In your opinion, ___ (she / be) a good teacher?

25. What time __ (the sun / set) today?

26. ____(she / get) the job, do you think?

27. ____ (David / be) at home this evening?

28. What ___ (the weather / be) like tomorrow?

29. There’s someone at the door, ____(you / get) it?

30. How __ (he / get) here?

Bài tập 3: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc

1. I love Da Lat. I (probably / go)_ there next month.

2. What (wear / you) __ at the party tonight?

3. I haven’t made up my mind yet. But I think I (find)__ something nice in my brother’s wardrobe.

4. I completely forget about this. Give me a second, I (do) ___ it now.

5. Tonight, I (stay) ___ home. I’ve bought a new book.

6. I feel tired. I (be) ___ sick.

7. If you have any troubles, I (help)___you.

8. The weather forecast says it (not/ rain) ____next Monday.

9. I promise that I (come)____early.

10. Look at those clouds. It (rain) ___now.

Bài tập 4: Hoàn thành các câu sau

1. I have bought two tickets. My sister and I (___) (see) a play tonight.

2. Marie thinks Tom (___) (get) the job.

3. A: “I (___) (move) from my house tomorrow. I have packed everything”
B: “I (___) (come) and help you.”

4. If I have enough money, I (___) (buy) a new mobile phone.

5. I (___) (be) there at six o’clock, I promise.

6. The meeting (___) (take) place at 2 p.m.

7. If you eat all of that cake, you (___) (feel) sick.

8. Lisa and Rose (___) (be) at home at 7 o’clock because their daughter is staying alone at home.

9. Perhaps he (___) (not / be) able to come tomorrow.

10. Because of the plane delay, the meeting (___) (not / take) place at 10 o’clock.

Bài tập 5: Fill in the blanks with the words into brackets using “will/ be going to”

1. My mother (___) (be) 42 in February

2.  The phone is ringing and I’m in the shower! Don’t worry Mark, I (___) (answer) for you

3. My parents (___) (be) very proud, I have passed all the exams

4. I (___) (take) the kids to the mountains this winter

5. Look at the clouds, it (___) (rain); you should take an umbrella

6. There’s a knock at the door; that (___) (be) the postman

7. She (___) (meet) them at 6.00 pm

8. That (___) (will be) the book you are looking for

9. Sally is a big girl now, we (___) (buy) her a scooter

10. There (___) (be) a gate.

Bài tập 6: Choose the correct answer

A: I’ve booked the tickets. I’m so happy (1) (I’m going to visit/ I’ll visit) my sister
B: When (2) (will you go/ are you going)?
A: I’m off to the shops. Do you want anything?
B: Let me think … oh yes, I need some milk.
A: OK, no problem, (3) (I’ll pop in/ I’m going to pop in) to the supermarket t buy some bread so I’ll get some while I’m there.
A: Does anyone want to come to the cinema with me tonight?
B: Sure! (4) (I’m going to come/ I’ll come) with you. I haven’t got any plans for this evening.
A: What are you going this weekend?
B: I don’t know. Maybe (5) (I’m going to do/ I’ll do) some studying or I might not!
A: I’ve got two tickets for a concert but can’t find anyone to go with me.
B: (6) (I’ll/ I’m going to) come with you. That’s sounds much more fun than studying!

Bài tập 7: Give the correct form of the word in bracket

1. I can’t climb this tree. – Don’t worry. I (help) (___) you.

2. They have made a decision. They (lose) (___) weight next year.

3. What are you going to do this evening? – I don’t know. Maybe I (___) (play)  golf.

4. This shirt is really nice but I think it (be) (___) very expensive.

5. Hey! The phone is ringing! – Alright. I (take) (___) it.

6. Where are you going? – We (play) (___) basketball.

7. We have bought Lucy a book. – Do you think she (read) (___) it?

8. Why are you wearing sunglasses? – Because I (go) (___) to the beach.

9. It’s starting to rain! – Ok. I (take) (___) an umbrella.

10. You (Come) (___) to the party? – Sorry. I have to work.

Bài tập 8: Complete the sentences using a suitable verb from the list in the Future Simple or be going to

Attend –  Study – Get married – Visit – Have – Rain

1. __ Bob and Betty usually __?

2. ___the neighbours ___a BBQ next Sunday?

3. Bob is _____ (not) class tomorrow. He is still too ill.

4. Have you seen that dark sky? It __ (probably) tonight.

5. He ___ much harder next year.

6. I ___ the dentist the day after tomorrow.


Bài tập 1

1 – a; 2 – a; 3 – b; 4 – a; 5 – a; 6 – a; 7 – b; 8 – b; 9 – a; 10 – a;

Bài tập 2:

1. will get
2. will win
3. will come
4. will be
5. will be
6. will turn
7. will come
8. will take
9. will feel
10. will be
11. won’t be
12. will not / won’t take
13. will not do
14. will not go
15. will not pass
16. will not take
17. will not buy
18. will not eat
19. will not snow
20. will not wait
21. Will they come
22. will you get
23. will you do
24. will she get
25. will the sun set
26. Will she get
27. Will David be
28. will the weather be
29. Wil you get
30. will he get

Bài tập 3

1. will probably go
2. are you going to wear
3. will find
4. will do
5. am going to stay
6. am going to be
7. will help
8. isn’t going to rain
9. will come
10. is going to rain

Bài tập 4

1. are going to see
2. will get
3. am going to move – will come
4. will buy a
5. will be
6. is going to take
7. will feel
8. are going to be
9. won’t be able
10. isn’t going to take

Bài tập 5

1. will be
2. will answer
3. will be
4. am going to take
5. is going to rain
6. will be
7. is going to meet
8.  will be
9. will buy
10. is going to be

Bài tập 6

(1) I’m going to visit my sister
(2) are you going?
(3) I’m going to pop in to the supermarke
(4) I’ll come with you. I haven’t got any plans for this evening.
(5) I’ll do some studying or I might not!
(6) I’ll come with you.

Bài tập 7

1. will help
2. are going to lose
3. will play
4. will be
5. will take
6. are going to play
7. will read
8. am going to go
9. will take
10. Will you come

Bài tập 8

1. goint to get married
2. Are  the neighbours  going to have
3. not going to attend
4. is probably going to rain
5. is going to study
6. am going to visit

3. File bài tập tương lai đơn và tương lai gần PDF kèm đáp án


Với các bài tập về thì tương lai đơn và tương lai gần cùng phần lý thuyết nói trên đã cung cấp cho bạn những kiến thức cơ bản, tối thiểu cần để nhận dạng và sử dụng một cách hợp lý. Hãy tham khảo thêm các chủ điểm khác để trau dồi và cải thiện Tiếng Anh của bản thân bạn nhé.

Với niềm đam mê viết lách Thu Nỡ mong muốn mang đến cho độc giả những thông tin hay và hữu ích về các sách luyện thi TOEIC, sách luyện thi IELTS, sách học tiếng Trung, tiếng Nhật...